Placing your home on the market requires objectivity and potentially significant preparation. 


Your chosen real estate professional should guide you through the preparation process to help you: 

 Appreciate the impression your home will make on potential buyers.

 Define improvements that you can undertake to sell your home faster and at the best possible price.

 Outline suggested interior and exterior preparations for cleaning, repair and organization.

 De-clutter and depersonalize your space to achieve the broadest appeal.

 Arrange furniture to make rooms appear as spacious as possible.

 Connect with professionals to help prepare your home for sale, such as painters, cleaners, contractors, carpenters, repair people, home stagers, and more.

 Create a mood ideal for showcasing your home. Choosing appropriate background music, adding plants, maximizing lighting, can all help potential buyers feel more comfortable in your home.

Need help?


I can help you see your home through the objective eyes of a prospective buyer and suggest preparations to make the right impression. Put my expertise to work for you and learn more about these steps in your home sale